Tuesday 3 December 2013

Speed Up Your Computer Through TuneUp Program Deactivator

Until now, users only had two options for dealing with unnecessary programs: They could either remove them from the system completely or accept that their background programs would continue to slow it down. After a program is uninstalled, there is always the risk that files that were dependent on it will no longer be able to be started. If the program is left on the computer, it is always available if it is needed, but continues to impair system performance.

TuneUp Program Deactivator not only reduces the load of programs at system startup, but also during normal operation and at shutdown, where the load is a result of services and tasks belonging to one program.

In this post I will show you how you can use the TuneUp Program Deactivator module to disable programs that place a load on your system at various times (at system startup, during operation and at shutdown) and why it is useful to do so:

Thanks to the TuneUp Programs-on-Demand Technology™ there is now a third option: Disable programs that are no longer required first and see if you can continue to work without them. If you notice that you need a program again, it is no longer a problem. You can start the program as usual - the TuneUp Programs-on-Demand Technology™ reactivates the program in the background, as if you had never disabled it.

The TuneUp Programs-on-Demand Technology™ calculates the load on your system based on an internal points system. For this, TuneUp Utilities determines the background programs associated with each program, i.e. the programs or services that were installed together with the actual program and are then continually run without the user's knowledge, "stealing" processing power. The more background programs there are for a program, the more this program burdens the computer. The TuneUp Programs-on-Demand Technology™ that display in the Load column takes the highest of these three values.

Design of TuneUp Program Deactivator


Design of TuneUp Program Deactivator

TuneUp Program Deactivator is divided into three areas: the All installed programs area, the Load from installed programs area and the Details area.

All installed programs

In the All installed programs area, you can see an overview list of all the programs installed on your system together with their load status. In the Name column, the programs are sorted according to their load: high, medium or low. Programs that do not place any load on the system have the status "none" and are not listed by name. The value for the load is always the highest value for startup, operation or shutdown. In the Status column, you can see the current status of the programs.

Load from installed programs

In the Load from installed programs area, you will find three graphs that are designed to give you a visual overview of the load on your system: The left-hand graph shows you the load on system startup, the centre one the load during normal operation of your PC and the right-hand one the load when shutting down. A legend with explanations is provided underneath the graphs. If a program is selected in the list, this is shown by a program icon next to the graph.


In the Details area, you can see the name of the selected program, its current status and the load on the system from that program. You can use the switch to enable or disable the program. If no program is selected, you will see an overview here showing how many programs are enabled/disabled or relevant to the system. If several programs are selected, the details area shows the number of programs with the various statuses. The status shown next to the switch is the predominant status.

Possible Statuses of Programs

In TuneUp Program Deactivator, there are five different statuses for programs:

Enabled: The program is fully functional.
Disabled: The services of the program that run continuously in the background have been turned off.
System-relevant: This is a program that TuneUp Utilities has classified as relevant for the security or proper operation of your system and the disabling of which could have serious consequences.
Disabling pending: The program cannot be turned off during normal operation; TuneUp Utilities will disable it automatically the next time the system is restarted.

No impact: The program cannot be disabled because it does not have a negative impact on your system.

How to Disable Programs

Launch the TuneUp Program Deactivator module by going to the Optimize System category in the Start Center and selecting Disable programs under Reduce system load.

Alternatively, you can start the module by going to Overview of all functions in the Start Center and selecting the Disable entry under Installed programs.
1.    Select a program in the list that has the status Enabled.
2.    Disable the program using the switch in the status column or in the details area or click on the Disable button in the toolbar.

How to Enable Programs
1.    Select a program in the list that has the status Disabled.
2.    Enable the program using the switch in the status column or in the details area or click on the Enable button in the toolbar.

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