Friday 20 December 2013

Microsoft On the Issues

With an initial post by Microsoft General Counsel Brad Smith, Microsoft launched a new blog, Microsoft On The Issues, which is intended to address news, perspectives and analysis on legal and policy issues. As explained by Mr. Smith:
"The centrality of tech issues in public life and Microsoft’s history as an innovator in the digital arena have often led to our involvement in public policy debates. These have included a wide range of issues, from broadband access, online privacy and data portability to intellectual property protection, competition law, international trade and immigration.
Over the years we have used a variety of communications vehicles to share our positions.
Today we are launching "Microsoft on the Issues" to open another, more direct line of communication that will enable us to quickly and succinctly provide our perspective on the pressing technology matters of the day. We do not want this to be a one-way conversation. We want to create a transparent dialogue with readers and stakeholders. We want to enhance our participation in discussions that propel policy-making at local, national and international levels."
It will be interesting to see how this new endeavor develops. I am particularly interested in discussion surrounding privacy.

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