Tuesday 10 December 2013

Is Your Internet Connection in Jeopardy?

There have been warnings for months about the impending take-down of the temporary DNS servers that the FBI put into place to provide Internet connections to the thousands of computers that were hijacked by the DNS Changer malware.

The take-down of the FBI servers will occur on Monday, July 9, 2012.  In the event your computer was infected with this malware, you will lose your Internet connection when the servers are taken offline.

What to do

If you have not checked your computer yet to find out if it is infected with the DNS Changer trojan, it is important to visit http://www.dcwg.org/detect/.  DCWG has a list of links to security organizations that are maintaining detection sites in local languages.  Each site has instructions on the next steps to clean up possible infections.

Background information is available from the FBI website at FBI — International Cyber Ring That Infected Millions of Computers Dismantled.

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