Tuesday 10 December 2013

WinPatrol 2012, v25 Released!

New, updates and fixes are included in the latest version of WinPatrol.  The two new features are a direct result of malware like Stuxnet, Flame as well the FakeHDD family of rogues which hide and disable security programs.

Before getting to the new features, here is a quick look at the updates/fixes in this release of WinPatrol 2012.

Updates/Fixes in WinPatrol 2012

Delayed Start-up Programs -- Bugs related to the Delayed Start feature, particularly on 64-bit operating systems have been fixed so that programs aren’t lost when moving a program from Delayed to its original status and parameter is properly returned.

Windows XP Kill Task -- The Kill Task feature has been problematic on Windows XP systems for some time.  Bill learned that Microsoft changed the value of one of the parameter masks used in a function called OpenProcess. Successful tests by Windows XP users verifies that the feature is again working as expected.

Company Name, Details and Correct Path -- The bug for properly displaying the company name of installed programs on Windows 64-bit computers has been resolved.

Misc Fixes -- The bug that removed WinPatrol as a Start-up program has been fixed.

New Features in WinPatrol 2012

The Uninstall Detection feature is available only to Win Patrol PLUS users.  The Start Program Removed Detection is available to all users.  Both features are optional. Legitimate alerts may occur during software updates or when you choose to remove software.

Uninstall Detection
The new WinPatrol v25 will track programs that have been installed on your system and will monitor the location Windows uses to store Uninstall information. This location includes the path to the Uninstall command which is often used by malware to remove a program silently. WinPatrol will let you know the names of any programs which are removed.

Start Program Removed Detection

All WinPatrol users can benefit from the often requested option of Start program removal. WinPatrol was the first program to let users know if a new auto start-up programs had been added. Now WinPatrol will also let you know if another program has removed one of your Start-up programs. One of the common behaviors of malware is to reduce the possibility of being detected by Anti-Virus or security software. It’s common for new malware to remove programs from your auto start-up list.


I was in the process of testing a new version of ESET Smart Security, which ended up being an opportune time to test detection of removal by WinPatrol.  Below is a copy of the notification received when I was using the Windows Uninstall feature.

As you can see, there is a check box to turn off Uninstall Alerts.

If you are doing system maintenance which includes intentionally removing several programs and wish to temporarily disable the notifications from WinPatrol, merely un-check the box in the notification above or on the Start-up Programs tab.  Don't forget to re-check the opton when you are finished.

---> Download WinPatrol 2012 <---

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