Tuesday 3 December 2013

What is the meaning of alpha beta gamma in software engineering?

Among these all three terms you must probably well know to beta. Its reason is also not so special. You Log on to Orkut here the term beta you can find left corner. Lots of beta software regularly coming to market... and internet makes a vital role for it. Through internet we are getting lots of information about beta release software.

When we are concentrated to the word alpha it is very clear to software engineering. It’s mean Not yet feature complete, may contain major bugs that stop major features from working. However usually there are no bugs that prevent the program from at least starting up and performing its main function.

But when we are moves to the word beta nobody knows what the correct definition is? If one definition is true for one enterprise may it wrong for other enterprise. Google and Microsoft make this dilemma more.

In the year of 1998, people know “beta” means “new software”. In colloquial language when a software project entered a stage of development where the planned components had been built, compiled, and at least operational. Then it’s time to release the code outside its own workshop or we can say it is the time for pilot testing. But the codes are released to consultants to give it a proper shakedown.

In software industries two things is very common, the first one:  the software is ready for public consumption and the second one:  the software still require more debug.
But there are a lots of websites are present those giving the latest news regarding beta software. According to one survey people are really interested in beta software. It has may be two reasons. The first one: people wants to grab the new software and try to exploit as far as possible. The second one: maximum beta software is free.

Before release of Windows 7 people were talking with each other that the only one operating system is good from Microsoft and that is “Widows XP”. But how much truth present in this sentence. I don’t think so it has more truth present. After release of Windows XP, Microsoft had given some patches. Some works and some not. So that we saw some extra ordinary software like Spybot Search and Destroy , K-Lite codecs, Real Alternative codecs, winamp, VLC player, Zoom player, Irfanview and the list goes endless. These softwares fill up the gap that Microsoft had left.

Does beta mean "free?" That depends. Does beta mean "testing?" That depends. Does beta mean "feature complete?" That depends. Does beta mean "ready" or "not ready for prime time?" That depends. On what does it all depend? That depends.

Finally in one line beta means Feature complete, but there still may remain known bugs. Most are minor, with most or all known major bugs fixed before "beta" status.

Now comes to gamma. Gamma is also known as “Release Candidate”. Here: all known bugs have been fixed, and a public (or wider-scope) release is used to do a last check for bugs. RCs have no "RC" branding so if an RC is decided to be bug free enough to be released as final, the RC itself does not need to be recompiled or repacked into an installer. If bugs are found another RC will be released with those fixed, to repeat the testing process usually.

After gamma the software project moves towards “Delta”. Delta is also knows as Final Release. Here the last RC to be approved as bug free or at least free of any bugs that prevents the program's use. Sometimes a team is pressed for time or a bug may be difficult to locate and minor enough that the team does not want fixing it to hold up the release.

Some interesting thing I want to share with you. If you ever mark Microsoft all beta software are look like alpha because they add some more features up to RC. Microsoft all RC feel like beat and it sometimes takes until a service pack to get what I would consider to be a "final release" quality build.

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